Dropping the Mind - Nurobodi Qi Gong Classes x 3

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Dropping the Mind - Nurobodi Qi Gong Classes x 3


What: Nurobodi Qi Gong and Meditation workshops - Come & ground your spirit, clear your mind & body and ground your focus for the year ahead.

Why: When we experience everyday stressors, we often accumulate areas of dense and blocked energy, which if unchecked and released can persist for weeks, months or decades and lead to disease. Nurobodi Qi Gong and dynamic meditation combines simple (yet powerful) movement practices, some vocal/sound self-healing techniques and Qi Gong dynamic meditation techniques to help you release physical, emotional and mental blocks - eliminating daily (or accumulated) stress, rejuvenating your immune system, and strengthening and improving your overall health and wellbeing.

When: Tues Feb 5th/12th/19th/26th Mar 5th/12th - 7:30-9:00PM

Where: Autumn Retreat Dojo - 129 Miller St, Thornbury - Please arrive between 7:20 and 7:30pm.

How: Prebooking essential - This purchase is for 3 consecutive classes in the ‘Dropping the Mind - Nurobodi Qi Gong’ Class series


Workshop Philosophy Overview:

Part One - $100

  • Week One - Dropping the Mind

  • Week Two - Working with Dissonance and Consonance

  • Week Three - Making friends with Emptiness

Part Two - $100

  • Week Four - Empty is Full - Receiving is giving

  • Week Five - Ripening - Karma

  • Week Six - Dynamic Śūnyatā - The way of Tao

Total Movement Forms: 6 week program of Wuji Gong and Jointless Wuji Meditation

"Becoming a spacious, grounded and present human being one needs to cultivate experiential awareness that merges form with emptiness." - Cy Gorman

Investment for the workshops is on two levels:

  1. Self Loving Discipline Investment - By embarking on this journey you are committing to prioritise a regular time and space for you to cultivate a deeper sense of mind-body presence and awareness, and to develop certain practices that are designed to help you do this alongside others doing the same, supported by the guidance of an experienced Sensei.

  2. Financial Investment - 2 separate payments $100 due week one and week 4 covers studio hire, my time during class as your sensei, and outside of class contact/feedback if required.

To secure your place now please confirm your prepurchase here to confirm your spot in the "Dropping the Mind"


Cy Gorman is a certified Embodiment Academy Qi Gong practitioner specialising in Wu Gong breathing techniques, Mastering Presence & Golden Body Qi Gong. He is an executive member of the International Institute of Complementary Medicine and was recently awarded the Asia Pacific Ci2017 'Human Intelligence 2.0' Scholarship for innovation in the future of holistic healing.

For more info on Nurobodi Qi Gong email qigong@nurobodi.com or call 0413 888 446


Dojo Location: Autumn Retreat, 129 Miller St, Thornbury