Microtonal Colour-Resonance Mapping

The following testimonials culminate qualitative evaluations of clients as well as their colour-resonance pitch data. *Clients are identified by their initials followed by their NSP number.


"As I calmed into the combined white noise and pitched tones, my muscles relaxed and I felt slowly mesmerised. Entranced, I warmed into the space, and as I relaxed seemed to fold deeper into the space which at times eclipsed my perception of being in the room."

"...I found the cavities in my body would at times expand or hold a particular tone that I was sounding for longer and the vibration would plateau in a way that was almost 'tuning' that part of my insides. It was easier to hold and find these tones, and strangely comforting to have them meet me externally when the sound in the speakers played the same tone back, mirroring me. 

When it was over, I left feeling relaxed and clear. My body less achy. I was a little fragile to light and tones of voice at home - more sensitive than normal. Overall I felt a sense of calm and unwound from the stress of the day. I slept deep and well with little on my mind."


"My Nurobodi experience is best described as ‘assisted meditation’ where sound and light help to induce different experiential states that raised energy levels in my mind and body."


"Experiencing Nurobodi treatment was quite profound for me. I dropped into it like a meditation; simple and profound. Initially, the colours hit me with a peaceful tone, allowing me to absorb into body and sensation rather than racing thoughts. Particular colours and sounds are created from pitch information acquired from my voice. These resonances of sound and colour, combined with surround sound white noise made the headache almost seem like an illusion, as it disappeared for a time so quickly; as one simply turns off a fan or a light switch.


Two thirds of the way through the session the white noise, colour and sound frequencies began to hit me in a more immersive way, leaving me to feel that I was actually in a spacious “nature environment”. The only difference was that a soft wide chair lay beneath me.

“Towards the end of the session my mind felt tickled, in a similar way to how the skin feels when tickled. I wasn't thinking very much, rather being in this pleasant state; a world of nebulous colour and sound.”

“It was wonderful to feel a part of nature in the session, a part of timelessness and for my contained body to be present in time with much ease; the colours and sounds holding me in an experiential space and returning me to some kind of source. Thank you!!"


More NSP Examples










