ॐ_1.0_432hz w Tamboura Drone

Sale Price:$7.50 Original Price:$10.00

This 11-minute Nurobodi wellbeing  support sound file contains a perfect 432HZ sine-wave frequency embedded in an Indian Tamboura drone.

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This 11-minute Nurobodi wellbeing  support sound file contains a perfect 432HZ sine-wave frequency embedded in an Indian Tamboura drone.

This 11-minute Nurobodi wellbeing  support sound file contains a perfect 432HZ sine-wave frequency embedded in an Indian Tamboura drone.

432Hz is a harmonic intonation in tune with the Earth's biomagnetic resonance.

This 11-minute Nurobodi wellbeing  support sound file contains a perfect 432HZ sine-wave frequency embedded in an Indian Tamboura drone.

Entraining your awareness to sound or music that has been specifically tuned to a 432Hz environment recalibrates your brainwaves and mind-body presence to a wavelength that is mathematically in tune with the Pythagorean tuning system.

  • Many esoteric frequency arts refer to 432 Hz as having a beneficial effect on our biological systems

  • Prior to a centralised standardisation of western musical spectrums to a A440hz tuning, A432hz spectrums were designed to be in harmony with the resonant frequencies of the Earth and its movement through the solar system.

This product may be used as a background ambience wellbeing tool, or in headphones whilst working, reading or relaxing, but It is strongly advised that for maximum entrainment benefit you hum or quietly sing long notes along with it. The process of humming helps the brain entrain to this particular wavelength of the sonic spectrum which in turn can greatly benefit mind-body wellbeing. Don't be concerned about humming 'in tune'. As long as you are consciously listening whilst you hum the entrainment will naturally occur.

Nurobodi grants you the right to license this product as background sound for your published podcast, video or any other audio or visual setting and require only an attribution link 'sound design courtesy of www.nurobodi.com' for doing so.
